Tuesday, August 7, 2007


TODAY is Charlie's BIRTHDAY-not just any birthday...HIS 21st!!
This kid has been going to concerts and drinking like a champ with us for a VERY LONG TIME (enough to make me feel like a terrible influence in retrospect.)
Today's the day.
Hes a very special person to me. Hes my little Carlos, one of my three ONLY cousins. We were raised together and he is always part of my fondest childhood memories, almost more so than my brothers. He is truly one of the most awesome people I know. Funny, laid back, couteous, loving, adorable, FUN, hardworking, giving, polite, introverted (not in a weird way)
smart, good taste in music, 21, CHARLEETOS!


laurel said...

Awww, charlieeee:)

Anonymous said...

Mercy?, Mark, Mark, Mercy..sweet...that gets the "who the fuck is this jackass leaving comments on my blog" bullllllshit out the way. You see, me and the L-dawg have been chatting, and I figure it's time for me to say hello. so here it is...you ready? Hello.